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    Products- Washer programme
  NOx separation from waste air   
   Method of recovery of raw materials from waste gas without any origin of waste

Nox - Anlage

Pickling bath 3.5 m³ equipment with instrumentation

Job specification :
The purification of waste air with NOx content is a permanently actual task. The contribution submitted should present new possibilities of a better regeneration of raw materials on the basis of accelerated catalytic chemisorption and accelerated catalytic adsorption. With the use of the new methods it is possible to attain without problems values of purified gas less than 100 mg NOx/m³ and to be markedly below the existing legal limits. In comparison with conventional methods known up to this time it is possible to attain marked reduction of costs and above all to reduce drastically salt concentration.

Dr.-Ing. Lothar Günther

1. Process description
2. Purification processes
3. Regeneration process DGE
4. Example of the use
5. Literature
Summary :

Concepts of L-NOx and G-NOx methods presented by DGE firm complete procedures /9/ already described and make it possible to recover corrosive waste as raw material. In addition, it pointed out the possibility of the reduction of purified gas value to a value of less than 100 mg NOx/m³.

Costs of liquidation of waste at NOx reduction are markedly reduced with the use of this new method. Higher acquisition costs are amortized very quickly and make it possible to ensure an economic operation. A pilot equipment (Fig. 4) is at disposal for testing on the existing plants.

With the use of spray column washers by DGE firm the process of NOx separation is carried out at low temperatures which results in the fact that waste gas contains a negligible amount of water vapour only. In this way the catalyst poisoning is eliminated during G-NOx process.

The procedures proposed can be used also in the case when other components as SO2, HCl, HF, Br etc. are contained in the waste air. Eventually, it is necessary to install a preliminary treatment stage or use a spray column washer eventually.

The direct use of the described processes for purifying residual gases at nitric acid production appears to be possible from economic point of view. The instrumentation used represents a low cost alternative to current solutions.

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