NOx-separation         back to index       to range of washers

    Products- Washer programme
  NOx separation from waste air  
   Method of recovery of raw materials from waste gas without any origin of waste
1. Process description
2. Purification processes
3. Regeneration process DGE
4. Example of the use
Literature :
/1/ PISCEK, L., und S. BISTRON: Ochnovremennoe obezrezenivanie okislov azota i sery v energeticeskich gazach - osnovoy element strategie ochany okuruzajuscej sredy. NOx- Symposium in Piatra Neamt (Rumänien 1984)
/2/ NESTERENKO, V. B., und V. P. BUBNOW: Fisiko-chimiceskie teplofiziceskie svojstva chimiceskoj reagirujuscej sistemy. Nauka i Technika, Minks 1976
/3/ DURAM, J. L., J. H. OVERTON und V. P. ANEJA: Influence of gaseous nitric acid on sulfate production and acidity in rain. Atmos. Environ. 15 (1981) S. 1059 - 1068
/4/ VDI-Richtlinie 2579 Emissionsminderng - Feuerverzinkungsanalgen
/5/ DE 2654234 B 2 (1978)
/6/ BAVEJA, K. K., D. SUBBARADO und M. K. SAKAR: Kinetics of Absorption of Nitric Oxide Hydrogeneperoxide Solutions. J. Chem. Engng. Japan 12 (1979) 4, S. 322-325
/7/ Koppe
/8/ MAYLAND, B. J., und R. C. Heinze: Continous catalytic absorption for Nitrogen Oxides Emission Control. AICHE Symposium Ser.70; 137, S. 83 -87
/9/ Günther, L.: Bares Geld

  NOx-separation         back to index       to range of washers